Fake Happy.
Fake happy; what does it mean? My anxiety and depression have been at an all-time high lately. Trying to manage teaching classes,...
Calling you in.
Everyday I have to tell my fiancé to shut the closet door. Our little one bedroom apartment has became a storage unit of all things...
Introverts: someone who avoids large groups of people, feeling more energized by time alone. Extrovert: someone who finds energy in...
Aunt Cake.
I have been bedside with my sister all three times she has given birth ; All 3 times I cried. The first cry happening 8 years ago with...
The unknown; nothing scares me more. I don't like change. I am a firm believer in the quote "If it ain't broke,don't fix it". Or....at...
Fight for yourself.
"'You tell me that you're hopeless, You want your life less than your death, But if you jumped into a pool right now, I know you'd hold...
Unfitting Room.
If there is one thing I hate more than shopping, it's the fitting room. I hate the process of getting undressed and redressed countless...
Guilt; a cognitive and an emotional experience that occurs when a person believes that he or she has violated a moral standard and is...
Going up I was never really "small". I was small in the sense that I was a child, but society has claimed the word "small" for a much...