This site was created to help display two things:
Lifting heavy weights does not make you less feminine, it makes you a bad-ass.
There are foods that are good for the body, and there are foods that are good for the soul.
Katherine Donna
My fitness expedition started with completely different goals than where I am today. I started this journey when I was a senior in high school, weighing 235lbs at the age of 18. I was sad, confused, and hated myself. But, I hated myself for all the wrong reasons. Though I was overweight, I still was a caring person. I was a hard worker.I was kind to all. I maintained a 4.0 GPA. But, I let all these positive things about myself be drowned out by self-hate because I hated what I saw in the mirror; fat.
First of all, no one IS fat. We are all humans that HAVE fat. YES, EVERYONE HAS FAT.
So, how did I go about getting over my self-hate for having fat? I began to make a lifestyle change. At first I was just seeking to loose weight. I wanted to be “skinny”. I lost weight, but I developed a very unhealthy relationship with food. After realizing I had a problem with food, I change my goals. I no longer wanted to be “skinny”
I no longer wanted to just eat to loose weight. I wanted to fuel my body to be strong. I didn’t want to be weak, I wanted to move weights. I wanted to find balance in school, my relationship, and fitness. I wanted to reach mental health.I began to fall in love with myself. Slowly, but surely I began accepting each curve and stretch mark. I began to train for strength and not for my image. I began to give myself credit for my accomplishment. I began to want to help other seek the balance I search so long for. My mission is to help people love themselves enough work on themselves to find balance with lifting and life.
for custom personal training(You will receive custom workouts catered to your goals and be able to have 24/7 contact with me with questions via Skype or text) or questions :